Testing Is Critical to End the HIV Epidemic: A World AIDS Day Blog Digest

Content From: HIV.govPublished: December 21, 20201 min read
World AIDS Day logo: Resilience

During the December 1st observance of World AIDS Day 2020, our colleagues across the federal government highlighted their ongoing work to support the goals of Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, which aims to reduce new HIV transmissions by 75% in five years and by 90% in 10 years.

Below we feature blog posts from three of our federal partners. This collection continues our coverage of World AIDS Day 2020 on HIV.gov and follows our first blog digest about federal efforts.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Living with HIV/AIDS During an Emergency: This CDC blog post invites preparedness-minded people everywhere to unite in the fight against HIV and help people with HIV stay healthy before and during an emergency, including by getting tested for HIV.


Support World AIDS Day – Get your HIV screening today: In support of World AIDS Day, Medicare.gov shares information on who is covered by Medicare for HIV screenings and how to get them.

National Institutes of Health, Office of AIDS Research

NIH/OAR 2020 World AIDS Day Observance: The OAR hosted a livestreamed NIH World AIDS Day observance focused on the NIH theme, “Science and Community: Working Together to Prepare for the Unexpected.” OAR shares information about this videocast event, focused on community partnerships and the importance of building the capacity of current and future generations of HIV researchers and advocates.