Timely Tips on Social Media Strategy and Video

Content From: HIV.govPublished: April 30, 20192 min read
Photo of presenter Aisha Moore at NHPC 2019 social media lab

The Social Media Lab at the 2019 National HIV Prevention Conference was a popular and inspiring component of the conference. Over 200 conference attendees stopped by to get individualized help on using social media and digital tools for their work or to listen to one of several “mini sessions” offered by experts from CDC, HIV.gov, and other programs.

Today we share the resources from two mini sessions held in this year’s Lab–and give you more ways to learn from the federal experts who staffed the event.

Enhancing Your Social Media and Digital Strategy

On March 19, over 80 conference goers attended HIV.gov’s “Enhancing Your Social Media and Digital Strategy” mini session. Aisha Moore, Senior Technical Advisor, presented on behalf of HIV.gov. She shared a templateExit Disclaimer that enables communicators to create their own strategies and reviewed statistics on which audiences can best be reached on each social media platform. Aisha also spoke about the types of content that perform best on social media and discussed a simple format for organizing content.

Here’s where you can find the slides from the “Enhancing Your Social Media and Digital Strategy”Exit Disclaimer session.

Live Learning about Live Video

In the “Live Video on Any Budget!” mini session offered on March 20, Aisha spoke about the advantages of using live video for health communication. Live videos can provide behind-the-scenes coverage of events, broadcast interviews, and feature personal stories. Aisha noted its value for direct engagement and interaction with viewers. Answering questions, reading comments, and seeing reactions are important considerations for planning live video production. The session included a review of tips, tools, and resources for “going live”—regardless of one’s budget or skill level.

We encourage you to look at the slides from the “Live Video on Any Budget!Exit Disclaimer session and to consider how live video might fit into your communication strategy.

We thank our CDC colleagues for making the Lab and mini sessions a vital part of the NHPC, for staffing the Lab with their experts, and for providing additional mini sessions in the Lab.

For more about the HIV prevention information shared at this year’s NHPC, check out our recent “Highlights: CDC National HIV Prevention Conference” blog.

Did You Know?

During the second plenary session at the CDC’s 2019 National HIV Prevention Conference, HHS Secretary Alex Azar spoke about Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America. Find his remarks here.