What Interested Readers Most in 2020

A look back at the posts shared on the HIV.gov blog in 2020 tells us about some of the issues of particular interest to readers this year:
The Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative
Throughout 2020, HIV.gov readers sought information on Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, progress made to achieve its goals, and what lies ahead for this national initiative.
- Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America – Stakeholder Webinar
- Ready, Set, PrEP Webinar
- Ending the HIV Epidemic: 6 Indicators. 4 Strategies. 1 Goal – The AHEAD Dashboard
- Updating the 2020 U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDS about Ending the HIV Epidemic
COVID-19 and HIV
Understandably, readers of HIV.gov’s blog were very interested in information about COVID-19 and its impact on people at risk for and living with HIV. HIV.gov launched a page featuring federal resources on COVID-19 and HIV and shared several posts of great interest to our readers, including:
- HHS HIV/AIDS Guidelines Panels Release Interim Guidance for COVID-19 and Persons with HIV
- PrEP During COVID-19
- Coronavirus Information for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Recipients and Partners
- Frequently Asked Questions about HIV and COVID-19
HIV Self-testing
As facility closures and the need to maintain safe physical distance began to limit the availability of in-person HIV testing across the country, the HIV community responded by innovating to make HIV self-testing more widely available, as documented in these posts:
- HIV Self-Testing Guidance
- New FDA Information on OraQuick In-Home HIV Test
- HIV Self-Testing Programs to Improve Testing Uptake and Increase Diagnoses
- SAMHSA Authorizes Some CSAT Grantees to Use Funds for Self-Test Kits Amid Pandemic Response
HIV Research Developments
2020 was a big year for scientific advances in HIV prevention, care, and treatment that put us closer to ending the HIV epidemic. These important research developments were covered in posts such as these:
- Highlights: HIV Research Wrap-Up from AIDS 2020
- NIAID Launches First Clinical Trial to Test Antibody–Drug Combination for Long-Acting HIV Treatment
- Large NIH Clinical Trial Illuminates Long-Term Health Effects of HIV
- Kidney Transplantation Between People with HIV Is Safe, NIH Study Finds
- Long-Acting Injectable Form of HIV Prevention Outperforms Daily Pill in NIH Study
HIV Funding
News on funding opportunities and grants awarded was also of interest to HIV.gov readers. Among the posts that received interest in 2020 were:
- HHS Awards $117 Million to End the HIV Epidemic in the United States
- Advancing the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative with a $109 Million Investment in 57 Areas of the United States
- HHS Awards $2.24 Billion in Grants to Help Americans Access HIV/AIDS Care, Support Services, and Medication
- HUD Awards More Than $35 Million to 31 Local HIV/AIDS Housing Programs
- HHS Awards $90 Million to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Recipients for COVID-19 Response
A number of these posts (and many others not listed here) were guest posts or cross-posts from our partners at agencies across the U.S. government. We're grateful to them for their ongoing collaboration and we look forward to continuing to share information with you in 2021 on these and other topics. Happy New Year!