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09-14-2020This year, HRSA convened two webinars to review the HIV care and treatment needs of older persons with HIV. Healthcare Needs of Adults with HIV who are Aging i.…
09-10-2020You can find information on NHAAD and HIV prevention, care, and treatment for older adults here:Administration for Community Living: HIV/AIDSCDC: HIV and Older.…
09-12-2019The HIV.gov Events Section dedicates a resources page to National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAD). We recently added fact sheets and other resources a.…
09-17-2018These facts from CDC put HIV among older adults into context:In 2014, an estimated 45% of Americans living with diagnosed HIV were aged 50 and over.An estimate.…
09-04-2018Today s post features digital resources to use in your communication about these two observances.Promotion of HIV testing and other services is central. HIV....
09-15-2015To recognize National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAD) on September 18, HIV.gov is sharing facts and digital resources to highlight opportunities to rea…
09-08-2015One of TAI s goals was to establish a new website that would provide enhanced opportunities for raising general awareness about HIV and aging, while still fo...
01-06-2015In 2014, TAI expanded NHAAAD even further by working with our national steering committee and partners from the aging services community to reach a broader aud.…
09-18-2014What do you know about the incidence of HIV among people over age 50?Many Federal agencies have a role in responding to the impact of HIV among older Americans.…