12-17-2024In a message to the substance use treatment and public health communities, CDC and SAMHSA leaders highlight the need for and opportunities to increase the provi…
Hepatitis C
CDC and SAMHSA Leaders Encourage HIV and Viral Hepatitis Testing in Substance Use Disorder Treatment OIDP Travels to Cherokee Nation in Support of Hepatitis C, HIV, and Syphilis Elimination 10-11-2024The Hepatitis C Engagement and Linkage Program (HELP) uses a syndemic approach to address hepatitis C, HIV, and syphilis in vulnerable populations. OIDP staff v…OIDP Invites Public Comment on Proposed Viral Hepatitis Quality Measures 05-07-2024Medicaid quality measures could support translation of hepatitis C screening and hepatitis C treatment initiation recommendations into clinical practiceDOJ and HHS Send Letter to Medicaid Programs on Hepatitis C and Substance Use Disorders 02-26-2024In January, the Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Health and Human Services issued a joint letter (PDF, 149KB) to...OIDP Awards $450,000 to Cherokee Nation to Implement Hepatitis C Linkage to Care Program 10-05-2023The HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy is pleased to announce the awarding of $450,000 to the...Southern Indian Health Council Addresses Syndemic in Rural California 09-05-2023Federal leaders recently visited the Southern Indian Health Council (SIHC) in Alpine, CA, to observe its efforts...Striving for a Healthier Future: Combating HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection 08-17-2023Hepatitis C is a significant public health concern affecting an estimated 71 million people worldwide. In the U....New CDC Viral Hepatitis Reports on US Surveillance in 2021 and on Progress Toward Reaching National Elimination Goals 08-16-2023Cross-posted from CDC NCHHSTP Communication Center Dear Colleague, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevent...Hepatitis Awareness Month: Recognizing HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection 05-19-2023During the month of May, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recognizes Hepatitis Awareness...Hepatitis Awareness Month: Recognizing the Syndemic of Viral Hepatitis, HIV, STIs, and Substance Use Disorder 05-03-2023May is Hepatitis Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness that viral hepatitis continues to be a major public...Viral Hepatitis Updates to Inform Syndemic Approaches 01-05-2023Recent viral hepatitis news may be of interest to readers engaged in efforts to respond to the syndemic of viral...CDC’s Hepatitis Awareness Month Message 05-19-2022Hepatitis and HIV Care 05-11-2022ICYMI: IHS Announces Funding Opportunity: Ending the HIV and HCV Epidemics in Indian Country 05-04-2022Ending Hepatitis is Something We Can All Do Every Day 05-03-2022Indian Health Service Announces Five Million Dollars in Funding for Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. 04-25-2022CDC Recommendations for Correctional and Detention Settings 04-18-2022Cross-posted fromCenters for Disease Control and Prevention Dear Colleagues:We are pleased to share a new quic...Opportunity to Comment on Draft Federal Implementation Plan for the Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan 11-16-2021HRSA Funding Opportunity for Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Implementation 11-03-2021It’s Time to End the Global Burden of Viral Hepatitis 07-27-2021