05-17-2024Cross-posted from: NIAID Now Vaccines consistently transform public health, and HIV vaccine research has been...
NIAID Marks HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2024 NIAID Observes HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2022 05-27-2022NIH Launches Clinical Trial of Three mRNA HIV Vaccines 03-23-2022Experimental mRNA HIV Vaccine Safe, Shows Promise in Animals 12-15-2021National Influenza Vaccination Week is December 5–11 12-08-2021CDC Statement on Pregnancy Health Advisory 09-29-2021HIV Vaccine Candidate Does Not Sufficiently Protect Women Against HIV Infection 09-01-2021NIAID Observes HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2021 05-18-2021Resources for COVID-19 Vaccine Equity 04-20-2021HIV & COVID-19, Potential New HIV Prevention Tools, and More: Research Highlights from CROI 2021 (video) 03-09-2021In an HIV.gov video conversation yesterday, NIH’s Dr. Carl Dieffenbach shared highlights from HIV research presented at the 2021 virtual Conference on Ret…NIH Announces Restructured HIV Clinical Trials Networks 12-03-2020Now Is the Time: Catch-up to Get Ahead on Childhood Immunizations 09-15-2020Cross-posted from HHS Newsroom Summary: HHS is urging healthcare providers and parents to catch-up to get ah...Final HIV Research Highlights from AIDS 2020 07-10-2020As the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual) drew to a close yesterday, HIV.gov shared a final interview with Carl Dieffenbach, Ph.D., directo…NIAID Observes HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2020 05-18-2020Experimental HIV Vaccine Regimen Ineffective in Preventing HIV 02-03-2020Dr. Fauci Discusses Ending the HIV Epidemic from the 2019 IAS Conference on HIV Science 07-23-2019How to end the HIV epidemic is a theme of many conversations and presentations at the 10th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) in Me…HIV Research Updates from NIH’s Dr. Carl Dieffenbach at the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) 07-23-2019As the 10th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science, or IAS 2019, opened in Mexico City, HIV.gov hosted a Facebook Live session with Carl Dieffenba…NIH and Partners to Launch HIV Vaccine Efficacy Trial in the Americas and Europe 07-15-2019HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2019 05-17-2019The 411 on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 05-17-2019