02-04-2020Ready, Set, PrEP fact sheets, information cards, and posters are now available in Spanish! The program provides pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medications whi.…
08-27-2019The Social Media Lab is the place to get 1-on-1 technical assistance with a social media expert to answer your questions about social media and digital communi.…
08-20-2019In order to evaluate the success of our subject lines, we analyzed our metrics and specifically looked at the open rates of our 10 most recent emails. We also..…
07-16-2019Influencer marketing is fabulous for consumer brands who are selling things, but it s also equally powerful for health and community organizations who are tr...
07-02-2019As was true in previous surveys of social media use by the Center, there are substantial age-related differences in platform use. This is especially true of In.…
06-04-2019Here are three ways to help your audiences find HIV testing services:With the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator your audience can find an HIV test..…
05-07-2019In order to evaluate the success of our subject lines, we analyzed our metrics and specifically looked at the open rates of our 10 most recent emails. We also..…
04-30-2019On March 19, over 80 conference goers attended HIV.gov s Enhancing Your Social Media and Digital Strategy mini session. Aisha Moore, Senior Technical A...
04-30-2019The site has 126 million daily active users worldwide. A daily active user is defined as individuals who log into their account at least once per day from T...
04-16-2019Instagram may have a reputation as a platform with a younger demographic, and its 540 million users between the ages of 18 and 34 would support that belief, bu.…
04-09-2019As you might have heard, Facebook s recent algorithm changes mean that less of your organic content (non-paid content) is being seen by your audience. This m...